
Holly Springs Road Widening

The small Town of Holly Springs located in Wake County, NC is known for their free-flowing springs surrounded by beautiful, old holly trees. Voted as the Top Small City of North Carolina in 2016, Holly Springs is home to just under 30,000 residents. As a small, but rapidly growing community, Holly Springs welcomes new developments and upgrades to accommodate residents moving from the heavily populated Raleigh area wanting to experience a different atmosphere.

Earlier this year, the Town required a roadway upgrade along Holly Springs Road between Flint Port Lane and the Holly Springs Elementary School Driveway because of a new residential subdivision. Timmons Group was tasked with completing traffic management plans for the installation of a median island along this section in the quaint, small town.

Construction of the proposed median took place over three phases. Extensive coordination with NCDOT was required because a previously approved temporary signal had to be modified to accommodate the previously approved median. Temporary pavement marking / signing plans were designed due to the median installation.

Plans were completed utilizing the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), NC Supplement to the MUTCD, and the NCDOT Work Zone Traffic Control (WZTC) Manual for developing traffic control / transportation plans. Traffic management plans were designed in such a way to maintain vehicular and pedestrian traffic from the new subdivision at all times as well as to minimize disruption in traffic signal operations. All plans were reviewed and approved by the NCDOT and Town of Holly Springs.

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