Community Empowerment

Arbor Day at VSU: A Continuing Tradition

Each year, Timmons Group’s Stormwater Team attends Virginia State University (VSU)’s Arbor Day celebration that highlights the many efforts made by the University to be a green campus. For the 4th year in a row, Timmons Group staff hosted a Filterra treatment system demonstration along with attending the rest of the day’s events.

The day started with a Filterra treatment system demonstration hosted by both Timmons Group and Contech.

The Filterra treatment system is a manufactured bioretention stormwater best management practice (BMP) that filters stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces. The system is filled with Filterra engineered media: a specified gradation of washed aggregate and organic material used to remove pollutants.

Timmons Group installed 21 Filterra systems across campus and educated attendees about the regular maintenance required, including removing trash replacing mulch, that is necessary to keep these systems functioning properly.

Before: trash and debris had accumulated in the system.

Even I got in on the fun!

Other Arbor Day events included:

A Goatscaping Introduction:

Not only are they cute, but these goats are providing an all-natural way to clear vegetation and control invasive plants on campus. This reduces the need for chemical controls and keeps the local environment healthy.

Planting the Living Wall:

All attendees and volunteers worked together to plant the Living Wall, a vertical garden now lush with fresh flowers, herbs, and strawberries that lines the walkways between campus buildings.

Tree Campus USA Tree Dedication

The final event of the day was a Tree Dedication ceremony honoring VSU’s recertification as a Tree Campus USA by the Arbor Day Foundation. This designation honors colleges and universities for their dedication to sustainable planting techniques, creation of green spaces, and water conservation installations.

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