Land Development

Picture This: College of Southern Maryland, Center for Technology & Energy Training

The 30,000-square foot Center for Trades and Energy Training for the College of Southern Maryland is the first building in the school’s Hughesville Campus.



The new facility provides labs, classrooms, and administrative space and provides residents throughout the region easier access to specialized training in various career tracks, including HVAC, plumbing, electrical, welding, and carpentry training.

The Center for Trades and Energy also serves as the Maryland Center for Environmental Training (MCET). MCET provides environmental, safety, and health training and compliance assistance for workers in the region and throughout the state.

The building was designed to reduce its impact on the environment and meet the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for New Construction criteria.



Site design features two bioretention areas, infiltration trenches, and pervious concrete, all of which lead to a stormwater management pond for quantity control.

The CT Building anticipates being awarded a LEED Silver Certification.



A large portion of parking is pervious concrete that acts as a localized ESD – environmental site design feature.


As the original land site had no access to public water or sewer – the design had to accommodate a well and septic system. Additionally, the Timmons team provided a design of the adjacent roadway, which required significant coordination with the developer.

Full permitting through Charles County Govt. and Maryland Dept of Environment and Health Department

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